JAMES Barbershop Covid Guidelines

Here at James Barber Shop, we pride ourselves in providing a safe and professional working environment for our customers. During this time of uncertainty we will work hard to ensure your experience with us is as relaxed and as safe as possible. We will achieve this by layering the guidance outlined in this document with issued Public Health Advice, on top of our already robust operational protocols. By treating these protocols alongside Public Health Advice with the highest degree of respect and integrity, we will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. These measures are in place to mitigate any potential risks and follow the recommended guidelines from the HSE and are under ongoing review.
PLEASE NOTE: If you experience any COVID-19 symptoms , please do not enter James Barber Shop in the interest of staff and public safety.


  • Please book your appointment, where possible, on https://jamesbarbershop.ie/book – Walk ins will also be accommodated also, where possible.
  • You will be asked if you have symptoms of Covid 19 before booking – if you do, please do not book a slot.
  • Your booking details such as name and contact number will be stored for a maximum of 6 weeks in order to facilitate Contact Tracing.


  • On entering, please use hand sanitiser provided.
  • Employees will be wearing recommended face coverings.
  • Please wear a face mask to your appointment. Should you forget, face masks will be available for purchase if needed.
  • We have a no-touch greeting policy.
  • Only the responsible employees and respective client should approach each other for the duration of the
  • All Patrons including children must remain seated at all times in the Barber Shop
  • Employees will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before and after attending to clients.
  • No reading magazines/books/newspapers/PlayStation or toys are available
  • Clients are asked not to use the restrooms if possible – If a client has to use the restroom, please advise a
    member of staff so the area can be clean and sanitized.
  • Clients are required to inform a staff member, if feeling unwell at any stage throughout their haircut or while
    waiting to be seated at the barber station or if a temperature is present or develops throughout the cutting process.


  • High touch surface such as door handles will be disinfected throughout the day
  • Floor markings are in the shop to ensure social distancing.
  • Regular cleaning and sanitizing of stations and the barber shop throughout the day and after each use.
  • Towels are used once and will be laundered to a minimum of 60 degrees
  • Gowns will be sanitized after each use and laundered to a minimum of 60 degrees daily.
  • All equipment will to be clean and sanitised before and after each client.
  • All clients are asked to adhere to HSE guidelines and maintain social distance from barbers and other clients at all
  • Posters will be on display to inform of good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.

James Barber Shop has a full list of protocols in place should a staff member or client become ill. These guidelines do not constitute legal advice and are purely for guidance only. For more information on COVID-19 Guidelines go to https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/